Celebrate Claudia Jones, Communist, at Notting Hill Carnival

Claudia Jones' best-known achievement is that she is considered the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival, the biggest carnival in Europe. Some years ago, a stamp was issued in Britain that celebrated her as a 'civil rights activist'. All very respectable, but concealing the fact that, first and foremost, Claudia was a communist. Having been … Continue reading Celebrate Claudia Jones, Communist, at Notting Hill Carnival

Labour council pushes ahead with housing segregation in Haringey

Join us to protest the disgrace of social cleansing in London and the Haringey Development Vehicle: Saturday 23 September, 12:00, Tottenham Green. On Monday 3 July about 200 protestors entered the foyer of the London Borough of Haringey’s Civic Centre in protest at plans to knock down a significant percentage of local council housing and … Continue reading Labour council pushes ahead with housing segregation in Haringey

London – home of the imperialist predators

This week comrades attended demonstrations organised by Foil Vedanta and the Marikana Miners Solidarity Campaign UK. The former assembled outside Vedanta's annual general meeting to protest the repression and pollution of communities in Zambia and India, while the Marikana campaign met outside Lonmin headquaters, and later South Africa House, to decry the massacre of 34 … Continue reading London – home of the imperialist predators

On the Constituent Assembly election result in Venezuela

The London Worker reproduces below the CPGB-ML statement on the recent Constituent Assembly election in Venezuela. It is important to remember that the working class have no country, and that we must support our fellow workers in whatever ways we can. Britain, an imperialist nation, not only wages war directly against independent and socialist nations, … Continue reading On the Constituent Assembly election result in Venezuela