Twitter censors Venezuelan Embassy in Britain – Embassy statement

The suspension of the Twitter account of the legitimate representatives of Venezuela in Britain - the Venezuelan Embassy - demonstrates an increasing trend towards censoring the voices of the people and representatives of oppressed nations. It is worth remembering that encouraging bourgeois institutions (whether they be governments or companies) to censor with increasing impunity will … Continue reading Twitter censors Venezuelan Embassy in Britain – Embassy statement

Barbaric Greek austerity: a model for Britain?

The Greek government announced last month the official end of the “support” program of the European Stability Mechanism (EMS). The 10-year-long memorandum has successfully turned Greece into a debt colony, dismantling the state welfare system to the benefit of the EU/IMF bosses and the local dependent bourgeoisie and condemning the Greek working class to misery … Continue reading Barbaric Greek austerity: a model for Britain?

Imperialism on Trial: journalist Eva Bartlett addresses London audience

On part of a successful tour across Britain and Ireland, independent journalist Eva Bartlett addressed a packed hall in London about her work in Syria, Palestine, and North Korea. Bartlett, along with many other independent journalists, provided first-hand accounts and shared the voices of ordinary civilians from these nations, features that are usually conspicuously absent … Continue reading Imperialism on Trial: journalist Eva Bartlett addresses London audience

Communists and the struggle against imperialism

The CPGB-ML's anti-imperialist stance always inspires some debate amongst friends and followers. It is important to remember that we are in the belly of the beast, and many of the predatory imperialist companies that plunder most of the world, and seek to plunder the rest (as in the case of Zimbabwe, Syria, the DPRK, etc), … Continue reading Communists and the struggle against imperialism

Robert Mugabe Resigns – a sad political end to an illustrious life

Comrade R G Mugabe resigned the office of President of Zimbabwe amid much jubilation on the part of imperialism and its flunkeys – inside and outside of Zimbabwe. Much venomous abuse has been poured on him by the imperialist media, which have mindlessly described him as a brutal dictator who ruled over Zimbabwe through coercion, … Continue reading Robert Mugabe Resigns – a sad political end to an illustrious life

100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

London CPGB-ML today adds its voice to the millions of others who mark 100 years since the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. Below we reproduce the speech by Joti Brar, editor of Proletarian, who spoke at Saturday’s well attended meeting in London.   “Why do we celebrate October? Why does this centenary matter … Continue reading 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

London – home of the imperialist predators

This week comrades attended demonstrations organised by Foil Vedanta and the Marikana Miners Solidarity Campaign UK. The former assembled outside Vedanta's annual general meeting to protest the repression and pollution of communities in Zambia and India, while the Marikana campaign met outside Lonmin headquaters, and later South Africa House, to decry the massacre of 34 … Continue reading London – home of the imperialist predators

On the Constituent Assembly election result in Venezuela

The London Worker reproduces below the CPGB-ML statement on the recent Constituent Assembly election in Venezuela. It is important to remember that the working class have no country, and that we must support our fellow workers in whatever ways we can. Britain, an imperialist nation, not only wages war directly against independent and socialist nations, … Continue reading On the Constituent Assembly election result in Venezuela