Why did we have a referendum to leave the EU? The vote was initiated by one section of the ruling class who think that they could do business better outside of the European Union. The influence they wield in the Tory party threatened (and still threatens) a split with the neoliberal pro-EU wing of the … Continue reading Leave or remain: what’s in the interest of workers?
Tag: eu
With the recent extension to Article 50, and the ongoing debate around Brexit, we thought it may be useful to point towards three excellent articles by the CPGB-ML as well as republish a popular comic on the topic, in order to explain why communists support the leave vote. Workers for Brexit: why our party supported … Continue reading What does Brexit mean for workers?
Saturday saw hundreds of thousands march through London to demand a "people's vote" on the Brexit deal. The march was billed as "demanding a democratic vote on the Brexit deal", but the reality is that this was a march against Brexit, attracting in the main people who had voted remain, sponsored by capitalists and supported … Continue reading The “People’s Vote” is Britain’s Euromaidan
Thousands of people rallied to a march from Belgrave Square to the Libyan Embassy last Saturday, which then went on past Buckingham Palace to Downing Street and Trafalgar Square, to protest the re-emergence of chattel slavery in Libya. The march, organised by African Lives Matter, coincided with demonstrations in Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, and Glasgow. … Continue reading Thousands protest against modern slavery