School exclusion creates prisoners, not reformed pupils

The education system in this country is failing our kids – the increasing privatisation which starves schools of resources and teachers is widening the gulf between the most privileged in society and the poorest. These cuts most severely affect the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society, namely the 4 million children living in poverty, but … Continue reading School exclusion creates prisoners, not reformed pupils

Barbaric Greek austerity: a model for Britain?

The Greek government announced last month the official end of the “support” program of the European Stability Mechanism (EMS). The 10-year-long memorandum has successfully turned Greece into a debt colony, dismantling the state welfare system to the benefit of the EU/IMF bosses and the local dependent bourgeoisie and condemning the Greek working class to misery … Continue reading Barbaric Greek austerity: a model for Britain?

University of London workers strike a blow against the outsourcing racket

The receptionists, porters, postroom workers and security guards whose workplace is the University of London have but one simple request. They want to have the same rights at work as those enjoyed by other UoL workers, including the right to bargain collectively with their de facto employer, the UoL. Yet this modest demand has set … Continue reading University of London workers strike a blow against the outsourcing racket

Score now 3-nil to Whittington Hospital campaigners

Staff and patients at the Whittington Hospital, as well as the broader working-class community in the North London boroughs of Islington and Haringey, are celebrating a third win in their ongoing war of attrition with the hospital board over closures, cuts and privatisation. The Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition, launched some eight years ago, has … Continue reading Score now 3-nil to Whittington Hospital campaigners