Communists and the struggle against imperialism

The CPGB-ML's anti-imperialist stance always inspires some debate amongst friends and followers. It is important to remember that we are in the belly of the beast, and many of the predatory imperialist companies that plunder most of the world, and seek to plunder the rest (as in the case of Zimbabwe, Syria, the DPRK, etc), … Continue reading Communists and the struggle against imperialism

Robert Mugabe Resigns – a sad political end to an illustrious life

Comrade R G Mugabe resigned the office of President of Zimbabwe amid much jubilation on the part of imperialism and its flunkeys – inside and outside of Zimbabwe. Much venomous abuse has been poured on him by the imperialist media, which have mindlessly described him as a brutal dictator who ruled over Zimbabwe through coercion, … Continue reading Robert Mugabe Resigns – a sad political end to an illustrious life

Red Youth message on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution

Rob Walker, prominent member of Red Youth, speaks at the packed centenary celebration of the October Revolution, organised by comrades of the CPGB-ML in Southall, West London on 4th November 2017. The mainstream (imperialist) media have marked this anniversary, unsurprisingly, with a crescendo of anti-Soviet and anti-communist propaganda. This propaganda is so prevalent that … Continue reading Red Youth message on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution

100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

London CPGB-ML today adds its voice to the millions of others who mark 100 years since the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia. Below we reproduce the speech by Joti Brar, editor of Proletarian, who spoke at Saturday’s well attended meeting in London.   “Why do we celebrate October? Why does this centenary matter … Continue reading 100th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution

Celebrate the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!

Tomorrow comrades are travelling from across Britain and further afield to the Dominion Centre in Southall in order to celebrate the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The event starts at 4:30pm, and the evening will be filled with rousing and eye-opening speeches from party members and international guests, not to mention the opportunity … Continue reading Celebrate the centenary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!

Celebrate Claudia Jones, Communist, at Notting Hill Carnival

Claudia Jones' best-known achievement is that she is considered the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival, the biggest carnival in Europe. Some years ago, a stamp was issued in Britain that celebrated her as a 'civil rights activist'. All very respectable, but concealing the fact that, first and foremost, Claudia was a communist. Having been … Continue reading Celebrate Claudia Jones, Communist, at Notting Hill Carnival

Labour council pushes ahead with housing segregation in Haringey

Join us to protest the disgrace of social cleansing in London and the Haringey Development Vehicle: Saturday 23 September, 12:00, Tottenham Green. On Monday 3 July about 200 protestors entered the foyer of the London Borough of Haringey’s Civic Centre in protest at plans to knock down a significant percentage of local council housing and … Continue reading Labour council pushes ahead with housing segregation in Haringey